Get organized with the right plan
Monthly | Annual Save 14% with an annual plan
For individuals, groups,
small organizations
Plus Your
For individuals, groups,
small organizations |
For individuals, groups,
organizations, networks |
Organize Your
For organizations, networks, fields, systems, denominations, regions, more |

Features |

Features |

Features |

Features |
Do-It-Yourself or Let Us Help You With Our
Onboard Packages
We meet with you, get you set up & show you how everything works

We work with you to plan, design, build & populate your Resource Portal & Dynamic Website

We work with you and your team to plan, design, build & populate your Resource Portal & Dynamic Website

Community Hub
Starter Package
(discounted to $11,840 - 20% off - for
projects signed before March 15, 2025)
We work with you and your team to map your ecosystem, clarify goals & strategy, identify initial people, teams and organizations to participate, build & populate Resource Portals, Websites and a Hub to organize it all
Plan Features |
$0/month |
$18/month |
$59/month |
$110/month |
Set up your Resource Portal in minutes:
Everything at Free Resource Portal plus: |
Everything at Pro Level
plus: |
Everything at Team Level
plus: |
Add your banner and photo and a few details about yourself
Drag and drop an imnage into your topics area and now you have your first topic
Drag and drop a link or file into your topic and now you have your first curated resource
Curate resources over time by adding text, graphics, videos, audios, documents and web links
Add tags to your resources from our central tagging system to help others find them
Maintain resource ownership when your resources are shared in others' Portals
Build up your Portal profile with your resume, CV, written bio/description, social media, and web links
Browse, search and save Portals of people, groups, organizations and networks
Turn on the ability for others to send messages to you
Browse, search & save resources curated by people you trust
Grow your Portal with no ads, popups and distractions
Back to Top |
Build visually beautiful web pages with our point and click web builder for non techies
Create slideshows and image galleries
Schedule time-sentitive blocks of information/images on your webpages
Add an easy-to-update events calendar
Add staff pages, contact pages
Auto-generate resource directories from Portal topics
Add a blog
Add custom branding colors to your Portal
Point your custom domain/URL
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Add discussion threads to your Portal and Web Pages
Control visibility of resources and topics
Add multiple host/curators to help manage your Portal and Web Pages
Manage multiple Portals from your Portal with ease
Add a suggest button on your resources to suggest resources to others and have them delivered to their Portal inbox
Hub interface featuring host/curators and Hub topics
Links to Hub participants
Add host/curators to specific topics
Add discussion groups to specific topics
Shared curated topics into constituents Portals
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Onboard Package Details
$350 |
Portal & Website
$2500 |
$4500 |
Community Hub
Starter Package
(discounted to $11,840 - 20% off - for projects signed before March 15, 2025)
We set up your Portal
We create your initial topics and prepopulate your resources
We provide a 30 minute orientation to your website via Zoom with one of our Community Engagement Specialists
Add more planning, research/population & support as needed for additional cost.
Ongoing ideas and support are available via our CommunityScape User Help Group
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We strategize with you, including mapping your relationships and resources
We set up your Resource Portal and Dynamic Website
We create your initial topics and prepopulate your resources
We build out attractive web pages using your photos and brand
We add image galleries, informational blocks, resource directories, contact page, staff pages, calendars, blogs and more
We provide a 30 minute orientation to your new Resource Portal and Website via Zoom with one of our Community Engagement Specialists
You receive two additional 30 minute support conversations with our CommunityScape Engagement Specialists as needed
You can add more planning, research/population & support as needed for additional cost.
Ongoing ideas and support are available via our CommunityScape User Help Group
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We strategize with your group or team, including mapping your relationships and resources
We set up your Resource Portal and Dynamic Website
We create your initial topics and prepopulate your resources
We build out attractive web pages using your photos and brand
We add image galleries, informational blocks, resource directories, contact page, staff pages, calendars, blogs and more
We provide a 60 minute group orientation to your new Resource Portal and Website via Zoom with one of our Community Engagement Specialists
You receive four 30 minute support conversations with your group host/curator and/or team members with our CommunityScape Engagement Specialists
Add more planning, research/population & support as needed for additional cost.
Ongoing ideas and support are available to your and your team via our CommunityScape User Help Group
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A custom solution for your community ecosystem that includes:
Strategy & planning to focus your launch
Set up for your Hub plus 5 Resource Portals for your initial organizations, partners, thought leaders, etc.
Support for your busy leaders with:
- Planning, setup
- Pre-population of resources
- Onboarding
Unlimited free invitation codes for your constituents
Support trusted relationships, connect resources & build capacity
Start growing your Hub and scale across your ecosystem at your pace