Online YouTube video EVERY WEEK, with a positive, affirming message.

Worship with us any day -- any time -- 24/7

Firebird Worship includes prayer, hymns, a reading or two, a message, responsive

readings and thoughtful challenges to help us apply our bourgeoning faith to

our everyday lives. 

eWorship leaders currently represent a half dozen states across the country as well as 

various backgrounds in terms of their faith. 

These services have continued to evole from their beginning in 2020 at

South Presbyterian Church in Rochester, NY.

They will begin in the fall of 2024 with a refined format and new preachers.

We hope you will join us -- whether you watch on a Sunday morning, in the middle

of the night when you can't sleep, or mid-afternoon when your child is napping.

Take time for yourself and your spiritual health. 

Watch. Worship. And Subscribe.

Worship takes many forms and as one woman recently said, "Going to a building on a Sunday

morning just doesn't work for me anymore. It doesn't speak to me. But online worship -- whenever 

I can sign on during the week -- I feel everybody there. I feel connected. And I am growing in my faith!"

Acts of Faith
South Presbyterian Church                                                   

P.O. Box 22782 | Rochester, NY 14692 
(585)271-5078 office@southpc.org       

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