Individuals Connecting
Firebird Learning Hub
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With all the changes in our nation (and the world), with all of the divisions, separation and challenges
facing us every day, the roles of community … of faith … of hope all affect the ways we see ourselves and our world.
We do this through three main paths Firebird's  Worship, Learning Hub, and Acts of Faith (sometimes called Acts of Hope).
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Online Worship
Symbol of Open Hands launching a Firebird
Beginning with the pandemic, and continuing to today, an interesting phenomenon surfaced – we found INDIVIDUALS who were also looking for the elements of the FIREBIRD as well. It wasn't just about helping groups or churches connect -- it was about connecting PEOPLE.

To be clear, Firebird Spirit is NOT A CHURCH … at least not in the traditional sense. But for many of us, this is Step 1 in our "Four Steps to Spiritual Health."

The Spirit connects us in a COMMUNITY OF HOPE, and although it is rooted in the progressive and prophetic Reformed Theology of Jesus-followers, it embraces all faith backgrounds as well as those with no faith affiliation. We are constantly EVOLVING in how we walk the Way together.

Weekly online worship services will begin broadcast in the Fall of 2024 on our YouTube Channel (see link below).

Learning Together
Colorful logo for the Learning Hub
Discussion, book groups, Bible Studies, Brainstorming about contemporary issues ... these are all ways that some of us fulfill Step 3 of our "Four Steps to Spiritual Health." These groups (and new ones) are offered through our FIREBIRD'S LEARNING HUB, available to everyone with an internet connection, and each is considered an Act of Faith of Firebird Spirit.

As one member said regarding our approach to Bible Study,  “This is the Bible for thinking people. I love the way we learn about the context and what it means for our life today.” Our studies are all enriched through the diversity of our members.
“I’ve never been in a group like this,” said another recent participant. “I am so challenged to see these teachings through my own eyes.” Then they concluded, “but this hour has become a touchstone for me every week. I never like to miss it. And I can't believe how close I have become to all of you that I have never met in person.”

We hope you'll give us a try with one of our existing groups, or let us know what you would like to learn about or discuss. It only takes two people, committed for three months to get an Act of Faith off the ground.
Acts of Faith
Interlocking circles logo
Acts of Faith (AoF's) are organic, grassroots groups that meet to answer a need or an interest of people around some spiritual issue. Pioneered since 2012 by  Presbyterian Church in Rochester, NY, it is a model now being adopted around the country  as a means of following the Way of Jesus who did NOT expect people to come to him, but who went out into the community in order to build community.

For many of us, these help us fulfill Steps 2 and 4 of our "Four Steps to Spiritual Health - Socializing with Others on the Journey, or Service to Others.

While some might be seen in  a "religious" context, others are totally social in nature. Regardless, an AoF often comes to BE "church" for its participants.

Whether you want to create an AoF in YOUR community, or you want to learn more about the AoF concept in general, CLICK ON THE AoF LOGO above.
Firebird Spirit
P.O. Box 22782 | Rochester, NY 14692
(585) 476 - HOPE (4673)