For those who don't have internet access.

Make it your own for YOUR friends and members.

Ask us how!

How Do We Reach People Who Do Not Have Internet Access

DVD's are produced of our online YouTube services and burned into DVD's.

Not everyone has internet access yet. 

Yes, some of that is related to regionalism, but some of it is tied in with the

user's age and comfort level with technology.

Many seniors and those who do not have internet access, DO have access

to DVD players.

If someone in your community or your family would like to worship with us,

use the CONTACT tab above and let us know. Depending on your location

and your understanding of the Economy of Grace Model of pricing (see link

at the bottom of the page), we will create and mail a DVD to them every week.

If you are a pastor or worship leader and wish to send us a section of the service 

that you record yourself, we are happy to facilitate that. 

The Spirit is not bound by the Space-Time Continuum.

When we worship together -- whether online or through a DVD -- we are worshiping

together across time and space. 

E V E R Y O N E     H A S    A    W A Y   T O    W O R S H I P!
Acts of Faith
South Presbyterian Church                                                   

P.O. Box 22782 | Rochester, NY 14692 
(585)271-5078 office@southpc.org       

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