Round table or square, seats filled or sparse, the Spirit surrounds even the most casual conversation,

as we seek to care for and learn from each other and from our book of choice.

Community Book Group

This Community Book Group has expanded our understanding of "Community"

as we now come together from different parts of the country. At 3:00 PM on

Wednesday afternoons, we join by Zoom most weeks, and in person on the

LAST Wednesday of the month. The in-person place is announced to the group

monthly and we do our best to still Zoom on that day when we are together in person.

Currently, we are reading Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson.

We welcome all who want to anchor their faith in challenging readings and mindful

discussion. Please contact the church office to secure the Zoom link.

Acts of Faith
South Presbyterian Church                                                   

P.O. Box 22782 | Rochester, NY 14692 
(585)271-5078 office@southpc.org       

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