Actively engage in our community and the world around us through
building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty.”
Living out Matthew 25:31-46
As a designated Matthew 25 Congregation, we are part of a national initiative of the PC(USA), dedicated to focus on:
• Building congregational vitality by challenging people and congregations to deepen
their faith and get actively and joyfully engaged with their community and the world.
• Dismantling structural racism by advocating and acting to break down the systems,
practices and thinking that underlie discrimination, bias, prejudice and oppression of people of color.
• Eradicating systemic poverty by working to change laws, policies, plans and structures
in our society that perpetuate economic exploitation of people who are poor.
That is, embodying the teaching of Jesus from Mt. 25:40 - Whenever you did one of these
things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.’
On a monthly basis, a few of our members regularly participate in feeding the homeless
at St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality. If you would like to join us, please contact the
South Presbyterian office for further details.
Throughout the year we hold online classes and discussions about related topics.
Acts of Faith
South Presbyterian Church
P.O. Box 22782 | Rochester, NY 14692
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