We gather to share our joy of music with The Meadows residents,

Fellowship of Faith and each other.

Volunteer Choir

(Updated 5/12/24) Wednesday rehearsals begin with 15-20 minutes of a hymn-sing

where members or guests select their favorite hymns or whatever is on our hearts.

Guests and walk-in visitors are always welcome to join in the singing or just have

a mini-concert. We then fill the rest of our hour with work on our two-, three-, and

four-part choral repertoire for presentation during Sunday worship services at Fellowship of Faith.

We also meet about 30 minutes prior to Sunday afternoon’s Fellowship of Faith

for a quick review of our music for the day. The Choir typically presents a Choral Anthem, 

as well as a short Introit and Choral Response as musical bookends to the Sunday

service during our ten-month (September-June) program year.

With the recent combination of the South Church choral music library (which historically

has incorporated both the Calvary St. Andrews and New Life choral libraries when

those churches dissolved) and the Gates Presbyterian library, we continue to be able

to select repertoire that is sometimes familiar, sometimes new, and always meaningful.

Members frequently remark on the high quality of the music we sing…and their leader

frequently remarks on the high quality of the singing!

Sing For Joy! currently comprises twelve singers but new members are always welcome

(no audition or previous choral experience required) at any time of the year. 

And, when necessary, our Zoom hymn-sings are available to anyone with the link

and password if we are not able to meet in-person.

Acts of Faith
South Presbyterian Church                                                   

P.O. Box 22782 | Rochester, NY 14692 
(585)271-5078 office@southpc.org       

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