Supporting each other as we focus on sustaining the planet, our spirits

and ourselves in this 21st century world.

Zillennials of Color

With a goal of meeting in person a handful of times a year, we assist one another

in the evolution and growth of our souls here on planet Earth through the acquisition

of knowledge and experience.

As young professionals working to establish ourselves in the world, we meet when it is convenient.

The one charge from the Session is that we spend at least a few moments reflecting

on the Spirit while together.

We employ a shared leadership model, and like a lot of other GenZ-ers, we're not thrilled

with the word “church” and all it stands for.
Like South Church, we are redefining

ourselves in a way that makes sense to us.

The rest of the Acts of Faith Community seeks to support and encourage us to make

SoulSus whatever it is that we need it to be to enhance our Spirit.

Acts of Faith
South Presbyterian Church                                                   

P.O. Box 22782 | Rochester, NY 14692 
(585)271-5078 office@southpc.org       

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